In this article:

Adding, Editing and Deleting Tags

Updated: July 27th, 2024

Like Groups, Tags are a way to segment your Database. You can add tags to a contact manually and automatically based on logic in your campaign. If you have an Infusionsoft Integrated account, tags and tag categories created in MOBIT will also be created inside your Infusionsoft account.

Adding tags

1 - Navigate to the Contacts section of MOBIT.

2 - From the top tab navigation of the contact screen, click on the Manage Tags tab.

3 - From the manage tags tab, click the Add Tag button

4 - Give your tag a name and select a tag category for your tag. If you do not have any tag categories, from the tag category drop down select create new category and give your tag category a name. Lastly, give you tag a description and click Add.

Click here to take our in-app tutorial.

Editing tags

1 - Navigate to the Contacts section of MOBIT.

2 - From the top tab navigation of the contact screen, click on the Manage Tags tab.

3 - Click on the action button to the far right of the tag you would like to edit and select Edit from the two options that appearImage title

4 - Once you have made the desired changes to the tags name, category grouping and description, click SaveImage title

Deleting tags

1 - Navigate to the Contacts section of MOBIT.

2 - From the top tab navigation of the contact screen, click on the Manage Tags tab.

3 - Click on the action button to the far right of the group you would like to edit and select Delete from the two options that appear. Confirm that you would like to delete the group on the prompt that follows.Image title

4 - You can also bulk delete tags, select the groups you want to delete by selecting the check boxes beside their names.

5 - From the drop down action menu, select delete and confirm that you would like to delete the tags on the prompt that follows.

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