In this article:

The Added to Campaign Audience Goal Explained

Updated: July 27th, 2024

The added to campaign audience goal is only available for use in 'new' campaigns.

In this article, you will learn about the added to campaign audience goal, how it can be used, and how to set it up.


This goal functions as its name describes and is achieved by contacts when they are added to a campaign's audience. It is important to note that this goal will not be achieved by a contact if they are already in the campaign's audience.

Contacts can be added to your campaign's audience multiple ways:

1 - Manually from the contacts section.

2 - Automatically from within another campaign when a contact triggers an added to campaign audience action.

3 - Automatically when a contact achieves a goal inside the same campaign as the added to campaign audience goal.  


1 - From your Campaign Builder, click the 'Add New Goal' button.

2 - Select 'Added to Campaign Audience' in the drop-down list of goals. 

3* - Give your goal a name. This is only for internal purposes and will never be seen by contacts. Click 'Save'.

4 - Add the desired actions (such as send a text or apply a tag) and timers of your goal.

*NOTE - If you have connected your MOBIT account with Zapier, you will see a check box that read 'Show in Zapier'. Click here to learn more.

Adding contract to your MOBIT campaign Audience Video

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