In this article:

Legacy vs. New Campaigns

Updated: July 27th, 2024

In a recent update to MOBIT, we introduced an all new text message builder, new goals, and change the way our opt-in form functions. Rather than disrupt people's existing campaigns, you now have the option to choose between our 'new' and 'legacy' campaign types. In this article, we will explain the difference between these two campaign types. 

While we will contain to support 'legacy' campaigns for the near future, we highly suggest you start using 'new' campaigns as soon as possible.


Goals are a fundamental part of any campaign. When contacts achieve a goal, they will be entered into the timers and trigger actions added off the goal. Below shows the difference in goals between old and new campaigns.



Opt-In Form

In old campaigns, contacts become subscribers upon submitting an opt-in form. This process has changed significantly in new campaigns; contacts have their opt-in status set to unconfirmed and must follow a double opt-in process to become a subscriber. This change was made to help aide our US and Canadian customer, which are required by law and regulations to follow this double opt-in process. 


Actions are triggered when a contact processes through a timer or achieves a goal. MOBIT/SMS actions are no longer available in new campaigns and have been replaced by a new action called send a text.

Landing Page Goals

Used to track the way a contact interacts with your landing page in old campaigns, landing page goals are only able to be added off MOBIT actions. Because MOBIT actions do not exist in new campaigns, landing page events are now used to achieve the same functionality.

Landing Page Actions

Added of landing page goals in legacy campaign, landing page actions are identical to actions, except redirects, which were only available as a landing page action. With the removal of landing page goals in new campaigns, landing page actions no longer exist in new campaigns. Instead, you can achieve all the same functionality through actions.

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